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Readers Leaders Club

The club, Readers Leaders club was initiated with the idea of books engaging people's mind in this pandemic. The club engages students in light-hearted discussion about the various aspects of a book.
The characters, the flaws and so much more are talked upon. The club also uses various aspects of literature as a tool to stimulate the minds of students.

Symposiums, Shaayaris , poems, debates have not just become a way for students to express themselves but also as a way to discuss about various
problems around us.

Readers Leaders: About
Readers Leaders: Pro Gallery

Society Administration

Readers Leaders: Team Members
Woman Artist

Rayma Wadhwa


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Ms Aastha Arya

Teacher in Charge

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Ms Aayesha Ahmad

Teacher in Charge

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Ms Richa Bhardwaj

Teacher in Charge

Get in Touch

Email ID:
Instagram: @readersleadersclub

Readers Leaders: Text


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